Calculate the attractive score from umg

Description: Calculate the attractive score from umg
URI: /algo/score
http method: GET

def CalculateScore():
    if not request.json or 'UMG' not in request.json or 'alpha' not in request.json:
        return jsonify({'score':[-1]})

    alpha = request.json['alpha']
    if alpha >= 1 or alpha < 0:
        return jsonify({'score':[-1]})

    UMG = request.json['UMG']
    size = len(UMG)

    M = np.asarray(UMG)
    M = np.transpose(M)
    print M
    M = M.astype(float)

    M = M * alpha

    M = np.insert(M,0,1-alpha, axis = 1)

    print M
    R = np.ones(size+1)
    R_next = np.zeros(size+1)

    while not np.array_equal(R_next, R):
        R = R_next
        R_next = np.insert(,R),0,1)

    R = np.delete(R_next,0,0)

    return jsonify({'score':R.tolist()})

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